Switches for Vespa and accessories

there are 6 products

Yellow horn button for Ciao FL-Teen, Bravo, Sì and all the latest models.

code 06-DC-010-CI
technical specifications
Long wire, complete with bolt.
Hello Yes Latest types.
Hello FL-Teen, Bravo, Yes and on all the latest models

Light switch for Piaggio SI FL2 with indicators and kick starter from 1991

code 06-AU-044-BO
technical specifications
Ref.orig: 291508
SI FL2 since 1991

Light switch for Piaggio SI FL2 with indicators and kickstart from 1991

code 06-AU-043-BO
technical specifications
Orig.ref: 291308
YES FL2 since 1991

Arrow switch for Piaggio SI FL2 from 1991

code 06-AT-015-BO
technical specifications
Orig.ref: 291309
SI FL2 since 1991

Yellow horn button for Piaggio Ciao Si Si FL

code 06-DC-007-CI
technical specifications
Long wire, complete with bolt.
Hello Yes Latest types.
Ref.Orig 291551
Piaggio Ciao, Yes, Yes FL

Black horn button for Piaggio Si-Si FL- Ciao PX-Bravo-Grillo

code 06-DC-005-CI
technical specifications
70 cm long wire, complete with bolt.
Piaggio Si-Si FL- Ciao PX-Bravo-Grillo